Earlier this week, we were honored to bring Charles Martin, Deputy Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources, to visit a couple of our farmer members! Deputy Secretary Martin has been in his role since last August, learning the ins and outs of environmental conservation in Vermont. While all Vermonters share a responsibility to be good stewards of the beautiful lands and waters we inhabit, farmers have a particularly important role to play. And so, when Deputy Secretary Martin reached out to learn more about large dairy farms, we were happy to show him around!
We brought him to visit Blue Spruce Farm in Bridport and Kayhart Brothers Dairy in West Addison. At both farms, Deputy Secretary Martin learned all about what farmers are doing to improve water quality, protect soil health, and farm in a climate-smart way. The farmers were proud to show their modern milking and cow care operations, and innovative manure management technologies. He heard about the joys of farming with family, as well as the challenges they face figuring out how to grow and remain profitable in an evolving agricultural landscape.
Many thanks to Blue Spruce and Kayhart Brothers for opening their barn doors to us, and to Deputy Secretary Martin for deepening his understanding of Vermont agriculture.
Would you like to learn more about Kayhart Brothers Dairy? Read our 2021 interview with Tim!