Come one, come all! Vermont’s farmer watershed organizations invite you to our joint Annual Meeting on Wednesday, January 27 at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom.
That’s right: the Champlain Valley Farmer Coalition, the Connecticut River Watershed Farmers Alliance, and the Franklin and Grand Isle Farmer’s Watershed Alliance are teaming up to bring you a fast-paced evening filled with updates, resources, and the launch of new educational programming for farmers. We’re also excited to tell you about #Farm24VT, a social media outreach event celebrating agriculture in Vermont later this spring.
At our Annual Meeting, you will learn about:
- The work our three organizations and our members have done over the past year to implement innovative agricultural practices that protect and improve water quality and soil health throughout the state;
- financial resources for farmers and conservation;
- the Soil Health Network and payment for ecosystem services research;
- UVM Extension initiatives and research;
- how you can get involved with #Farm24VT;
- and more!
Featured guest speakers include Anson Tebbetts, Vermont’s Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets; Marli Rupe, DEC Agriculture Water Quality Section Chief; and Vicky Drew, USDA-NRCS Vermont State Conservationist.
It’s a moo’s moo of Vermont agriculture, and you won’t want to miss it!