A team of farmhands plants 18,000 onions in a single afternoon. A family-run dairy farm pasteurizes and bottles their own maple-flavored milk. A sweet herd of Brown Swiss cows grazes in a field of bright green grass and dandelions. A farmer levels their field to create a rice paddy. New life after new life emerges.
All of this–and more!–in a day’s work for Vermont agriculture and food production. And during the recent #Farm24VT, more than 100,000 residents of Vermont, New York, New England, and beyond had a front row seat to see what it takes to bring local farm and food products to our tables.
Starting at 5:00 a.m. on May 12, 100 Vermont farmers, food producers, and agribusinesses took to social media to share photos, videos, and stories using the hashtag #Farm24VT. For a full 24 hours, they welcomed everyone behind-the-scenes to learn more about where our food comes from.
These farmers and food producers are located all over the state and represent a broad range of foods and other products: dairy, meat, eggs, maple, honey, fruits, herbs, fungi, grain, wool, flowers, vegetables, Christmas trees, alpaca fiber, and more. Some are organic. Some are conventional. All are deeply committed to their work and proud to help educate the public about agriculture and food production.
While community members watching from home, work, and school learned more, they also had the opportunity to win lots of great prizes. Every hour, #Farm24VT gave away a Vermont farm or food product generously donated by a local business. Prizes included a year’s supply of Cabot cheese, a two-night stay at Parker Hill Farm & Boutique Campground, a King Arthur Baking Bundle, and more.
The Champlain Valley Farmer Coalition is honored to have had the opportunity to partner with the Connecticut River Watershed Farmers Alliance to organize the first #Farm24VT. Together, we are grateful for all of the farmers, agribusinesses, and food producers who shared their stories. We are grateful for all of the community members who shared their enthusiasm, curiosity, and humor. We are grateful for all of the Vermont businesses who donated their locally grown and crafted products for us to give away.
Many thanks go to our sponsors who made #Farm24VT possible, especially Vermont Breakfast on the Farm for their generous grant and New England Dairy for all of the wisdom they shared with us and Vermont’s farmers.
The organizing committee looks forward to sharing more in the coming weeks and months about what’s next for #Farm24VT.
And if you missed #Farm24VT, you’re in luck! Just search for the hashtag on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to find all the photos, videos, and stories that were posted. Instagram was the most popular platform for participants, so you will find much of the day’s activity there.
#Farm24VT is brought to you by CVFC and the Connecticut River Watershed Farmers Alliance with generous funding from Vermont Breakfast on the Farm and support from New England Dairy. Sponsored by Cabot Creamery, Hanover Co-op Food Stores of VT & NH, Lawes Agricultural Service, Reed’s Equipment, Bourdeau Brothers of Middlebury, Feed Commodities, North Country Organics, Parker Hill Farm & Boutique Campground, Philo Ridge Farm, and the Vermont Sheep & Wool Festival.